Mishref, Kuwait
Age: 27 years
Occupation: Housewife
Pregnancy week 6
I’m having a delightful mix of mood swings, disturbed nights, nausea and fatigue which means I’m feeling a little worse. Be assured these are common early signs of pregnancy and these pregnancy symptoms will soon pass. It’s a big week for my baby, as their heart starts beating – now that’s an amazing thought that makes the discomfort seem worthwhile.
week 6

Exciting things are going with my body this week to grow my not-yet-quite-a-bump. Here are some pregnancy symptoms you should expect as a result:
- Sore or tender breasts – a maternity support bra can help
- Mood swings have my emotions all over the place
- Nausea may mean I’m still feeling a bit peaky
Me at week 6
As the pregnancy symptoms & hormones really start kicking in, my mood swings are feeling really up and down. One minute I’m really happy and excited, the next I’m crying for no reason. This is perfectly normal, and this stage of major mood swings usually passes after the first trimester. Talking about how I’m feeling with my partner and friends can really help, as can some gentle, mood-lifting exercises. Simply doing things that I have always enjoyed can make me feel better. When I’m concerned about my mood swings, I have a chat with my midwife or GP.
My baby at week 6
My baby is around 5mm long – roughly the size of a pea. Their tiny heart is now beating at about 150 beats per minute, roughly twice the rate of mine. If I need an early scan, I might get to see this amazing little flutter for myself. My baby is now looking less like a tadpole, with facial features starting to form. There are dark spots where their eyes will be, miniscule openings that will become nostrils, and pits that will one day be ears. The bud-like limbs are growing, and the pituitary gland and brain are developing.
Things to do in week 6
It’s common to think that sleep won’t be disrupted until my baby arrives. As I may have learned already though, this isn’t always the case. Some of my pregnancy symptoms included physical discomfort, pregnancy worries, and nocturnal trips to the loo meaning that my nights are already interrupted. Getting into relaxing night-time routines (light meals, a warm bath or a bedtime book) at this early stage can help me sleep better during the coming months. Turn my bedroom into a lovely, sleepy haven – dim lighting, black-out blinds, and relaxing scents work wonders.